
d20Pro Unlimited Virtual Tabletop

Created by Mesa Mundi Inc.

Reforging the d20Pro virtual tabletop; adding the Unlimited Rules Engine, Native multitouch support, Shadowcasting fog of war and more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

D20PRO 3.9 is available with lots and lots of massive updates!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 06:19:27 PM

Greetings and Salutations!

We are extremely happy to announce the immediate release of D20PRO v.3.9 into production! We are confident this release is a natural 20!

The team has been hard at work updating various components and improving performance for D20PRO over the last year. With vastly improved lighting, hex grid overlays, chromium integrations and updated creature class definitions, there have been a number of substantial changes to the application which we hope you'll enjoy!

Some of the highlights from the new release are:

  • Improved map rendering engine
  • Updated networking model to supply near-real time multi-user experiences
  • Enhanced lighting engine with smooth gradients and mask detection
  • 3D dice roller game log overlay
  • Improved rules optimization for features and spells
  • Extended class definitions allowing for rules overrides on a per creature class basis
  • Enhanced visuals for creature selection, map pings and movement
  • Rewritten Map Marker editor and enhanced handouts manager
  • and much, much more

Honestly, we've updated or enhanced nearly every aspect of the applications infrastructure and some of its forward facing bits as well!

More detailed information about the 3.9 update and new features will be released to our blog and YouTube channel.

As always, you can also reach out to us with any questions or follow the development on our Discord Channel.

The full newsletter is posted here:

D20PRO v.3.7.4 is finally here!
about 6 years ago – Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 08:52:22 PM

Hello All,

We've finally pushed out the bug fixes and feature update as v.3.7.4 of D20PRO. This builds on the work we've been doing and is a solid foundation for the map and UI updates that are slated to happen next.

Again, to those of you still following along on this journey, thanks for sticking with us!  Krilion_GD and I will be working on a blog series and documentation for each of the new features as well as some of the existing ones that are now fully operational.

I've posted a "blog" to imgur with some brief summaries, screenshots and gifs of the various systems in action!

One of the most useful changes for content creators is the update to the flow view which now support zoom and pan!

You can check it out here. We have a couple other videos/gifs that are simply too big to post at this point. One is a demo of the transport script (included with all of the campaign templates now) which allows for moving tokens between maps using map templates to establish active regions. 

As we build our blog posts and tutorials, more of this will be set out so it can be implemented by anyone who wants to use these capabilities!

The official D20PRO blog post and announcement will go live tomorrow or Friday. In the meantime the change log and notes can be found here on the forums:

And you can download the updated version of the application directly from D20PRO's download page here.

We had a bit of a setback with our repositories which needs to be resolved so we can bring the Hero Lab native importer public repo and the Rules API public repo's online. Soon as we finish migrating the project to Gradle from Ant we can open these github repos up to the public and folks really dig in!


Owlbear and Team! Beta (closing in on 3.7.4 release!)
about 6 years ago – Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 11:59:00 PM

Hello All, 

KrilionGD has posted details on the current Beta release. Here's the details for your general consumption!

              - Download D20PRO Beta -

and the usage details are here:

The main point of these releases are massive bug fixes and code cleanup from the myriad of hands that have worked on this project (including my own).

Additionally, we're updating the visual look and feel from the map upward -- this pass includes some Fog of War look and feel changes that I feel really good about. I hope you like them as well!

50% Fog of War Mask Opacity
50% Fog of War Mask Opacity

As you can see in the image above, this allows for map scenes to be visible to the players (and GM) without revealing the creatures who are out of line of sight.

In addition, lots of fixes to the new class library. For the time being, I've removed the UI which isn't wired up yet and just left a "source" tab which contains the text based class definition. We'll be working to add the UI part by part moving forward, however, there is no reason to delay the release due to this UI as it's 100% new functionality.

I'll post more as we zero in on the final release for 3.7.4

Regards and good gaming,
- Owlbear and team

Well that didn't take long
about 6 years ago – Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 10:41:21 PM

I _may_ have made some major improvements to the classes library since the last post. They are significant enough that we've rolled up another release.

Also, for Mac OSX users, there is a proper installer package in these recent beta's.  Please let us know if these work for you as our access to OSX systems is limited to 4 machines -- all of which passed QA on the builds.

Anyway, here's a link the forum post with the down link and instructions:

Hope to see some of you at GenCon next week!

- Owlbear

Holy Cats, Thunder Batman!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 08:14:30 AM


  • GenCon 2018
  • Marketplace News
  • D20PRO Beta release
  • Source control woes

We're going to GenCon!

Hello All, we'll be at GenCon again this year with a slightly upgrade location (not our doing!). We'll be located in the Exhibit Hall at booth #2048, in addition, we'll be running a demo table outside the Starbucks in the JW Marriott on the 2nd floor. 

We are not running any events this year so as to provide more time for folks to ask questions and engage with the software on their own terms. Also, building and running the Crawl while trying to meet my development goals is very stressful. I'm certainly many of you understand the stress of making your own games while trying to accomplish all the life things you need to accomplish, so this is likely no surprise.

In any event, we'll have one of our touch tables set up in the usual location at the JW with your friendly neighborhood Owlbear stationed at or near by to give demos, explain how stuff works, or just beat up on some unsuspecting monsters.  So if you're in attendance, please feel free to stop by and say hello!

Oh, and Lone Wolf is hosting another Digital Gaming related session on saturday at 3pm. I'll be one of the speakers again this year along with Syrinscape's Ben Lommes and Lone Wolf's own Rob Bowes. Pick up a ticket for the event if you're going to be around. These are usually pretty fun and a great way to get a sense of where folks who are working on gaming tools think the industry is going.

Another thing we'd like to offer is some dedicated game time. If folks are going to be at GenCon with a group and would like to use the table for a session or two, please let us know via email at [email protected]. If you wetransfer your campaign over before the 30th, I can have it loaded up and ready to go on the table. 

Keep in mind the tables will be running the new beta build.

Marketplace News

So our content folks have been busy bees! (Thanks @KiltLad and @KrilionGD) 

We've got a few new art vendors and the D&D Core: Monster Manual is out and ready for consumption. With the MM release, there are a handful of updates to the PHB (Player's Handbook) which will be pushing out to folks who've purchased that already.

To see more about the new artists and the other products currently available, check out the details on the D20PRO News feed here.

We have a few new releases pending which are in the works, either in approval/QA state or final development state.

Pathfinder Core - This is the core PF 1.0 release with traits, classes and spells. The initial release of this content will not include spell automation however -- it's a massive library and there's only so many fingers for the typing in the Co. That being said, the Core will include all the descriptions, content, and features from the main rules book laid out in such a way as to allow building creatures, PC's and NPC's using the new Traits system.

Pathfinder Bestiary I - As you would expect, this contains all the critters from the PF Bestiary I publication with original art, spec'd out creatures and functional attacks. So, ready to play or slay depending on your point of view!

Tales from the Yawning Portal - The acclaimed adventure book from Wizards of the Coast is in progresses. We've split the book up into the individual adventures so as to allow the content to get to your hands faster! 

We'll be offering Forge of Fury, Tomb of Horrors, Sunless Citadel, Hidden Shrine, White Plume Mountain, Dead in Thay, and Against the Giants as they are ready.

White Plume Mountain, Forge of Fury and Tomb of Horrors will likely be the first available releases pending WotC product approval. The others should follow fairly fast afterward!

New Settings/Rules

I'm happy to announce that we have two new settings coming out this summer as well. They are both derivative of 5e, so the build time has definitely been accelerated by this affiliation.

Ultramodern5 (Rules add-on) U5 provides rules for using 5e in non-fantasy settings. These include pre-modern settings, contemporary settings, and those that are far flung fantastic and futuristic. U5 presents modern and science fiction rules in a game usually reserved for fantasy. There is no established setting in U5.

Esper Genesis - (Setting and rules) Esper Genesis is a science-fiction RPG powered by the 5th Edition rules engine and inspired by the legendary works of sci-fi greats. Take on the role of a galactic hero within a universe of advanced technologies and hidden mysteries.

Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest rules - (Rules add-on) We'll be releasing our internal PF2.0 playtest rules as soon as Paizo gives us the thumbs up. To acquire this campaign template and rules file you may need to provide playtest credentials.  We'll keep you informed of the how and when of this post GenCon!

D20PRO Beta release

Okay, the news stuff is out of the way so we can get down to game engine talk! We've recently posted the (today 7/26/2018) for immediate download:

                                    DOWNLOAD THE BETA NOW!

For Mac OSX users, this release includes our first attempt at building a packaged installer for OSX. If all goes as it has in our tests, those OSX folks out there should be able to run the installer then launch D20PRO (from Applications!!) like any other app. 

For everyone in general, the release includes a lot of bug fixes, feature improvements and stability updates. We're definitely in the home stretch on the feature system. also includes the first part of the free movement task which involves the Template placement. So yes, definitely a good build to pull and try out!

For full details on the updates and changes, please read the README.1st found in the download directory.

Source control woes

Unfortunately a lot of time was lost this past month to dealing with a source control cap which we passed while working on this release. Dealing with this issue and making sure we had full access to our code and updates has been time consuming and annoying.

The upside, is that Thraxxis jumped in to start migration of the D20PRO code-base over to Gradle (from ANT). For those devs out there, you'll appreciate how much of a pain that can be and also how useful the resulting product can be.

As part of this push, we're finally getting the Rules API and HeroLab Native Importer projects pushed out to public repos on GitHub. As soon as we're done with the migration, I'll post the project links to the Forums and to Kickstarter for general use.

Well, that's about sums up the things I have to update you on. I hope to see a few of you at GenCon again this year!

Keep up the gaming!
Owlbear and the D20PRO Team.