
d20Pro Unlimited Virtual Tabletop

Created by Mesa Mundi Inc.

Reforging the d20Pro virtual tabletop; adding the Unlimited Rules Engine, Native multitouch support, Shadowcasting fog of war and more.

Latest Updates from Our Project: (3.7.2 Release Candidate)
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 08:47:49 PM

Hello All, we've been super busy cleaning up bugs and working stabilizing the feature library and other rules bits -- sorry for the massive radio silence.

So without further adieu... allow me to introduce the Release Candidate for 3.7.2

                                                    Download here!

I've posted screen shots and details to the D20PRO forums here.

Work still left to be done before 3.7.2 can go live includes:  

  • Tuning and cleanup of campaign templates -- there are too many and the default resolutions are not configured properly.  
  • Set up of a default "Guide" reference plugin when no rules reference is selected for a campaign.  
  • New installers for windows and mac!  

Other than those, the changes in are detailed below.  

Updates to the lighting engine provide a radius approximation in game units in addition to the more granular grid unit entry:

Right click context menu lets you add things easily and quickly to the map:

Place Marker provides access to existing markers and presets

Presets are shared between the host and connected players. An example preset is shown below:

Right clicking on a stack of map objects will result in additional menu items: 

 Please note. Lights require you to click in the MIDDLE of the light object to access the menu for lights. While not ideal, this is where we're at with this for now. 


Finally, double clicking on any element will select that elements context and allow you to control it with direct, context driven options. These are things like picking up a template and moving it (and any associated features attached to the template). Cloning or deleting a marker, erasing a painted square, or deleting or disabling a light source. Please note that lights tethered to a creature are still controlled via the creature's light menu.

Lots of behind the scenes work also went into the updates leading to We re-wrote the ID system for all map objects to allow for tracking of effect states (feature usage) for items and the lot while a creature is still in the library.

Continued work on a shared library (shared between campaigns) and free token movement are part of the next phase post 3.7.2.

Sorry for the delays hammering out the feature library bugs entailed, but I feel strongly that the new system offers a vastly improved jump point for future updates and more versatility for building out alternate game systems.

Obviously, more to come as the holiday seasons rolls in!

- Owlbear and co. Beta
about 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 05:20:48 AM

So we've been busy but quiet. After GenCon I spent roughly a month sick alternating between coding and being bed-ridden.  Not fun, don't suggest it :(

In any event, is out and introduces some big changes to the lighting model (speeds things up a great deal).  It also introduces arcs as light sources!

         The download for is here

Here is the quick list of changes:

As we approach 3.7.2's full release I'll post more on the updated features in the node system (ability to launch other features from inside of features -- it's like an arcane tur-duck-en!)

More to come in the next couple of weeks!

- Owlbear 

Quick update
about 7 years ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 09:34:05 PM

Hi All,

Just a quick update to let you know I haven't forgotten about you all!  After Gen Con wrapped up I came down with a nasty chest something I haven't quiet kicked yet.

Despite being a remarkably sick for the last week, I've been making stability and speed improvements to D20PRO in an effort to bring us to release 3.7.2.  The current beta of these changes can be pulled from here:

Summary/Highlights of the updates includes:

A prototype Game Lobby. This is a very basic lobby service providing information about if the GM hosting a specific session is online. The lobby will be extended to provide player counts, descriptions and other useful information in the near future (likely post 3.7.2)

We've also sped up the Fog of War and synchronization between connected sessions significantly. When we first rolled out the Feature Library and Script Library (Rules) we hadn't accounted for the size of the library when fully populated with PHB and MM for a game system. As such we'd grossly underestimated the sync time between host and players. To fix this, we've pushed Rules sync to an a-sync event which happens behind the scenes, independent of Map or Manual sync events.

Mac users have had a bum deal for a while now. While the fixes in place are not 100% solutions to some of the launch problems, nearly all of the javaFX related issues have been resolved for OSX as well as the default D20PRO app launcher. For most users, the current downloads launch reliably without having a DMG or App Store distribution -- although one of those will end up being the long term solution.

We've updated some of the look-n-feel as well as functionality of triggers in features. There are now drop downs to control execution delays (when in a round/turn the effect triggers) as well as cancel conditions. We'll continue to refine these options as we move into the final phases of Feature dev. The last pieces of the feature solution will include the ability to launch other features from a given effect as well as the ability to apply multiple templates from a single feature.

We added a new Hot key to the mix as well. Pressing 'm' while creatures on a map are selected with allow the GM to move a creature from one location to another, or even between maps, without pushing an network update to connected players. This allows for a GM to stage things on a map discretely.

Tons of other minor fixes, language issues and the like. All in all good stuff!

We're still working on documentation. KrilionGD has been posting about his documentation progress in Discord and it's looking good!

Oh, and the last beta fixes the null gamelog bug that was cropping up for some testers. Basically, if you have a campaign which won't load due to this issue and you have not yet wiped out your game log for that campaign (to allow it to load) the fixes in  resolves this.

Well, signing out for now. I'll be back with another update relatively soon!

We have some exciting stuff on the horizon including Starfinder support (new map and movement techniques to support it) and a few other cool things I cannot yet speak about but are definitely going to be exciting!



Mesa Mundi (D20PRO) and Wizards of the Coast
about 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 02:35:37 PM

Hello All,

We have an official announcement up about our partnership with WotC over here:

                                  D20PRO and Dungeons & Dragons

The quick synopsis is that we'll be providing core books, adventures and more from the WotC stable along side the other product offerings for D20PRO users.

We were delayed in posting our announcement several times as pricing and release plans changed internally with D20PRO and then again with WotC.  Sorry for the inconveniences this caused to you all.

Because of the Curse D&D Beyond announcement and pricing arrangement, we're now able to offer a substantially more reasonably priced product. This will launch next week with the first part, the Player's Handbook.

The PHB will include all of the core content needed to create characters, cast spells, and the like. This is the main product for hosting and running 5th edition games with D20PRO.

The release will include reference material and basic feature content with more advance feature content rolling out after we get back from Gen Con.

Gen Con 50 (2017)

We will be at Gen Con next week running 5e Crawl sessions, Starfinder sessions and running D20PRO and World Engine demos at our booth (#1754). If you're attending the show, please stop by and say hello! We'll be previewing the PHB and Monster Manual at the event!

We'll be hosting the "Random Encounter" Roll-off, participating in the Lonewolf scavenger hunt, and I'll be speaking at a panel about digital gaming with Hero Lab, Fantasy Grounds and a few others.

D20PRO 3.7.2

The next build is in the works with the groundwork for a faster lighting system, bug fixes and a few feature updates to the Rules engine. We're adding in the ability to trigger feature effects at the beginning or end of a targets turn as well as the ability to auto-cancel an active/ongoing effect on a successful save.

The bug fixes correct some issues with feature effect access to the class binder -- this is the system which informs D20PRO what classes are installed. When the feature system was updated, the connection to the class binder was severed for specific use cases inadvertently.  We're fixing this in the 3.7.2 build (already available in the beta).

In-app Scripting is also nearly ready for prime time and should be ready for launch with 3.7.2 this week. So lots of good updates and fixes to for the whole family!

3.7.1 hotfix
about 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 12:06:45 AM

Just a quick note to all.  We've released a hotfix to 3.7 which resolves a minor networking issue (well major for folks effected, but minor as it only affected a small group!)

This also give a preview of the new in-app Scripting interface (last option in the Rules Library).

We're well into working on our docs. We should have more to share on this topic very, very soon!

- Owlbear